
Spring Cleaning Giveaway - Part 1

Ok, I know it is almost summer and that in a large portion of the country it already feels like summer... but I am just now getting to my "spring" cleaning. I'm a graduate student, don't judge. And so, in the thorough cleaning of each room in the house that has now commenced, I will periodically post lists and photos of items that I wish to part with. (note that I said that "I" want to part with... sorry, Noah.) In other words, ya'll can have any of this stuff you want!

In this photo, starting in the back from left to right, we have:
- a wooden bathroom wall shelf/towel rod (used, but in great condition)
- two portable CD/DVD cases (used, in excellent condition)
- complete set of the Twilight books (again, please don't judge!)
front row:
- pink, 15" incase brand laptop sleeve (used for only a few months before getting a new, smaller computer - this is worth much more than the price of $0.00 that it is offered at!) *wink*
- glow in the dark marker board (this thing is cool! you write on it in highlighter, turn on the build in black light, and everything glows. I really like this thing, but it no longer has a place in my house).
- 4 piece set of ivory suede place mats, gray-ish brown cloth napkins, and wood napkin rings (also slightly used, but mostly just for decoration - in very good shape)
- set of four metallic gray/brown striped decorative accents

If you're interested in claiming any of these objects as yours - sent me an email/facebook message and it's yours! :-)

Next cleaning adventure: our closets. Stay tuned - who knows what is going to come out of those hiding places!

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