
it's almost that special time of the year...

...spring cleaning!

And I've been doing a lot of self analysis as to my cleaning habits....
this swiffer sweeper that I am in LOVE with - really isn't so eco-friendly since every time I use it I end up throwing away a couple of non-biodegradable cloths.

And you know, good old Tide laundry detergent must have some horrible chemicals in it, since its been around long before "being green" was even a recognized phrase!

What ever happened to those good old fashioned things called brooms? and mops? and making your own cleaning products out of natural products like vinegar?

Sometimes I think that our grandmothers really knew the truth about everything afterall....

So... in my online research, I came across this article on one of my favorite eco-how-to websites (www.grist.org)... maybe it will help you have a greener spring clean too!

CLEAN GREEN!!  happy cleaning!

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