

The battle has now ended.

After discovering yet another destructive reminder that I had a little friend in my house, things took a turn for the worst.  I had no option left, than to set death traps.  We found ones that look like a little cave... where the mouse crawls in, eats the bait and gets whacked - hidden from outsiders view.  The real question, however, was what to use as bait.

Peanut butter: failed.
Cheese: failed.
Chocolate: SUCCESS.

We caught our guy, red handed, going for the sweet stuff.  I thought we had reined victorious!  But no.... there was another mouse. We had MICE! AAHHHH!!!!!
After catching mouse #2, we have yet to find another one.  It was a tandem team assault - two against two.  And we managed to regain control of our house.  The Jedi Hocks have suppressed evil Darth Mouse!!!  VICTORY!!

p.s. - if any other mouses out there happen to stubble upon this post..... please stay away from my house!  I don't want to kill you... but I will if I am provoked!  Bwahahaha!!!

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